Public Test of Voting Machines & 2025 Spring Primary:                    PUBLIC NOTICE OF SPRING PRIMARY ELECTION AND PUBLIC TEST OF VOTING EQUIPMENT     NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, of a Primary Election to be held in the Leon Town Hall on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.  The following items are on the ballot:  State Superintendent of Public Instruction             NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that a public test of the voting equipment will be conducted for the above primary election on Saturday, February 15, 2025 at 9:00 a.m. in the Leon Town Hall.    Kristy Brown, Clerk Town of Leon

Bid Request for Materials for Town Road projects


8108 Jackrabbit Ave.

Sparta, WI  54656

Phone (608) 269-5873

Email: [email protected]       website:


Date:           March 14, 2023


To:              Monroe County Publishers

                   Town of Leon Residents

From:          Kristy Brown, Clerk

                   Town of Leon





NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Leon requests bids for ¾” Rock,

1¼” Rock, Hot Mix, Cold Mix, Seal Coating, Crack filling and Re-Claimer for town roads.


Bid in TONS for hot mix, rock, stone, gravel, chips, breaker run, and shot rock, using 100% virgin material, hauled, placed and furnished.  IMPORTANT: No fuel surcharges should be included in submitted bids.


For specifications, please contact Chairman Greg Selbrede at (608) 487-2411. 


Sealed bids and quotes must be received at the Leon Town Hall, 8108 Jackrabbit Ave., Sparta, WI 54656 by 5:00 p.m. on Monday April 10, 2023. Electronic bid submission is preferred, but bids can be mailed to Town of Leon, 8108 Jackrabbit Ave, Sparta, WI 54656, or can be placed in the secure drop box on the Town Shop building.  Bids will be presented to the board and discussed publicly during the Monthly Town Board Meeting on April 12, 2023 which will start at 6:00 p.m. at the Leon Town Hall.


The Leon Town Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids or to accept that bid deemed most advantageous to the Town.


Kristy Brown, Clerk

Town of Leon               Publish:  March 16;23;30, 2023 and April 6, 2023