Election Aug 13, 2024 Type A notice: TYPE A NOTICE OF REFERENDUM ELECTION August 13,2024 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that atan election to be held in the several towns, villages, cities, wards, and election districts of the State of Wisconsin, on Tuesday, August l3 ,2024, the following questions will be submitted to a vote of the people pLlrsuant to law: QUESTION l: "Delegution of uppropriution power. Shall section 35 (l) of article tV of the constitution be created to provide that the legislature may not delegate its sole power to determine how moneys shall be appropriated?" QUESTION 2: "Allocstion of federul moneys.shall section 35 (2) of article IV of the constitution be created to prohibit the governor from allocating any federal moneys the governor accepts on behalf of the state without the approval of the legislature by joint resolution or as provided by legislative rule?" This refbrendum ballot is a result of 2023 Enrolled Joint Resolution 6, a copy of which can be viewed or downloaded on the Legislature's website at httPs://docs. legis.wiscons in. gov/202 3/proposals/reg/asm/j oint_resolution/aj 16. A copy also can be obtained from the office of the county clerk, or the Legislative Documents Room at 1 East Main Street, Madison, Wisconsin. Done in the City of Sparla this I 4'h day of June ,2024. Shelley Bohl Monroe Countv Cler


The properties on Jameson Rd formerly owned by Kerksa and Betts are still in processing from FEMA Buy-out and Monroe County is still working on the removal process.  Public access to these properties is closed until further notice.  Once the FEMA demolition has been completed and the sites are approved by FEMA, further use of the properties will be determined.  Until further notice, do not access these properties.